Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Proof of Endurance...

March 3, 2011

Romans 5:4 and endurance produces character, and character produces hope,

The Greek word for character simply means “proof” (according to MSB, I don’t really know Greek.) This word was used to determine the qualities of metal, their purity. This is what tribulation produces in us; this is the result of enduring, Christian Character. A character that shines through the pain of your tribulations for all to see; we rarely “suffer in silence”, most likely someone knows of our problems. Our Godly or Ungodly behavior will be noticed by someone, and most likely by the little ones who live with us. What will they see? Will they see someone who rests in the sovereignty of God or will they see someone who wails at the “injustice” experienced. We are responsible for our actions; we are responsible for what character our tribulations produce. We may not have any control over what those tribulations look like, that is in the realm of God, but we are very much in control of what others see.

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