Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Where do you turn?

October 5, 2010

John 6:5 Lifting up his eyes, then, and seeing that a large crowd was coming toward him, Jesus said to Philip, “Where are we to buy bead, so that these people may eat?”

We know the whole story. We know that this is the one who will rise from the dead; this is God as man asking this question. However, the disciples weren’t exactly privy to the end of the story yet. So, when they were confronted with 5,000 people to feed, they didn’t immediately think of Jesus. I suppose that feeding people seems mundane to all the medical miracles that He had performed in front of them. But not one turned to Him and asked Him to provide food. Yet, that’s just what He did. It’s easy for us to read this account and totally blast the disciples for their faithless unbelief that Jesus was their answer. Yet, are we any different. How many times for us is prayer our last and final choice? How many times have we said “all I can do is pray”? How many times do we turn to other things instead of scripture to answer our questions or solve our problems? I’d say that if we were honest the answers to those questions would be all the time. Yet, do we, like the disciples know and believe that God can do all things?

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