Monday, October 18, 2010

"...But judge with right judgement"

October 18, 2010

John 7:14-24

V 24 Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment

Wow, how often do we judge others by what we think they should be doing? How often do we look at what people are doing, or better yet, not doing and judge them by our standards? How often do we hold others to a stricter standard than what we are willing to hold ourselves to? I’d say the answer to that is often. I’d say that we are more willing to look into someone else’s behavior or actions before our own. Interestingly enough, this same thing was happening to Jesus during this passage. The Jews were judging Jesus because He healed a man on the Sabbath, yet, they were guilty of circumcising someone on the Sabbath. The Jews were also judging Jesus because His knowledge was vast and they couldn’t figure out how He had come by it.

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