Thursday, February 3, 2011

Acknowledging Instead of Complaining...

February 3, 2011

Lamentations 2:29-39

V 39 Why should a living man complain, a man, about the punishment of his sins?

I love this…I mean we all know when we sin. I’m not talking about the things in our lives that God will show us that, although we once thought it was acceptable to do something, and then God changes our hearts about it. Nope, this situation is not as innocent as that; what I’m talking about is the blatantly obvious sin in our lives. Those moments in our lives where we KNOW without any doubt that we are sinning. Yet, in those moments we are surprised that there are consequences to our blatant. For example, if I habitually overeat, and I know it; why should I suddenly be surprised if I cannot wear any of my clothes? At least own up to it; at least acknowledge the sin that has brought us to where we are. In the acknowledging, there can be growth

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