Friday, April 29, 2011

Happily Ever After...

April 29, 2011

Being a girl I was totally up at 4:00 this morning to see the wedding…or really the dress, hey, I’m being honest. I remember being a little girl, 7 or so, and watching Charles and Di’s wedding while on the phone with my BFF! I have always been a sucker for royalty, for fairytales. Little did I know at the time, what hid behind the fairytale of Charles and Di’s wedding. Apparently there was no love just duty. How sad is that? I firmly believe with all my heart that God constituted marriage, and in that institution He wants happiness and love for us. The main reason is that our marriages are a representation of His Church and His Son. There is no excuse for believers to be in a loveless marriage. God did not intend for that. He intended for us to find happiness in each other and…in the marriage bed (yes, I actually typed that!) The main reason, I believe, that so many believers live in marriages less than what was intended is that they have an unrealistic definition of love. Love isn’t emotion but choice. Isn’t it funny that we find it easier to choose divorce but not love. We must at times choose to not dwell on hurts or we must choose to be unselfish. It’s our choice to love; therefore, it isn’t something you can fall “out” of on a whim. If you do fall “out” of love, you choose to do so. Little did I know at the ripe old age of 7 that one day I would grow up and marry my prince. I love him with all my heart, but I choose to. I choose to love despite whatever might come our way, despite any anger or sadness that might creep into our marriage (and he does the same!) We don’t have a perfect marriage but we have a wonderful one!

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