Thursday, September 2, 2010

Jesus provides...

September 2, 2010

John 1:35-51-2:1-12

V …But you have kept the good wine until now

In this vast passage of John I read today, there is Jesus’ first earthly miracle, changing the water to wine at Cana. Apparently at the reception of a wedding that both Jesus and his mother, Mary, attended they ran out of wine. When the servants told this to Mary, she sent them to the only one who could do anything about it, Jesus. He tells the servants to fill jars to the top with water, and that water became wine. Naturally when Jesus turns water to wine, it isn’t bad wine or even mediocre wine, but “good wine.” The custom of the day was to serve good wine first and then later in the evening put out the not so good wine. However, Jesus gave them “good” wine. This is so true with everything he gives to us. We can rest assured that no matter what flows from his hand to ours, it is good.

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