Thursday, September 23, 2010


September 23, 2010

John 4:46-54

V 50…the man believed the work that Jesus spoke to him

A distraught man, possibly a soldier in the Roman army, is chasing after Jesus in order that Jesus could heal his son. I think that’s it’s interesting that this man knew where to go in times of trouble. Same is true with us; when we have trouble we know where to go, to Jesus. However, unlike this man; we don’t always believe. This man immediately knew that Jesus had healed his son. He asked and knew that Jesus would answer. I think that sometimes when we pray we only half-way do it, never really expecting that God could answer. Now we would never say that because we KNOW that God answers prayers but our actions speak louder. When instead, of letting God work in the situation we try to fix it ourselves. This man turned around and left believing; he knew there was nothing else he could do, Jesus had done it all.

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