Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Children do What They See...

September 28, 2010

John 5:19-29

V 19 Truly, truly I say to you, the Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he sees the Father doing…

I know I’m going way out on the comparative limb here. I know that in this passage Christ is affirming that He is sent by God and is doing the work of God and has authority given to Him by God. However, I was caught by the thought that Jesus “sees the Father doing.” As I thought of that I wondered if my children would be so rightly influenced by what I am doing. If they were to live their lives by what they saw me doing would that be good for them, spiritually. I must sadly admit that the answer to that is sometimes. Sometimes, they would but sometimes they would not. However, as I continually point them to Christ He will always show them how to live and walk godly. And that’s really the point…to show them Christ.

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