Monday, September 20, 2010

Living Water...

September 20, 2010

John 4:1-14

V 6…so Jesus, wearied as he was from His journey, was sitting beside the well

V 9 “How is it that you a Jew ask for a drink from me?”

Two things stand out to me in this passage: one, Jesus was tired and two He was willing to go to anyone with the gospel. It’s easy to forget Jesus’ humanity; I mean, hello, He’s God, but never forget human too. It is in His humanity that we can look to for help when our trials are too hard and long. It is in His humanity that we can see that we can overcome sin in our lives, and of course, it is in His humanity that He takes our sin to the cross for our salvation. He desires that all come to Him; not just the pretty or just the rich, or just the popular but everyone. In fact, Jesus often went out of His way to go to those that society considered unworthy. Perhaps, this was for us also. Perhaps, we are to see that maybe we aren’t unworthy of knowing Christ; maybe our sin isn’t too great for Christ’s salvation. Maybe we need to learn not to turn our noses at others that we consider unworthy. Before God we are all the same, sinners who have had the “living

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