Friday, March 23, 2012

being pretty...

March 23, 2012

1 Timothy 2:9 in like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel…

I recently read an article that was entitled something like “The Death of Pretty…”. That might not have been the exact title, but it was about how women had changed from wanting to be pretty to wanting to be HOT! I was struck by how true that was; yet, I had never thought of it. When we make the choice to be “hot” instead of “pretty” we change how people view us; we change from wanting to look nice and have fun being women, to a woman who only wants to be noticed for the merits of her body and nothing else. A woman who desires to be pretty realizes that she has so much more to offer than just her body; God created us as women to have great influence on those around us. As Christian women being pretty is ok…in fact I think that it’s a wonderful thing to embrace being a woman. BUT never should we allow that to overtake who we are in Christ nor should we take advantage of what our “bodies” can give us!

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