Monday, April 11, 2011

What will make us blessed?

April 11, 2011

Proverbs 31:28 Her children rise up and call her blessed…

Is there any greater blessing a mother desires? For me, no, there is nothing I desire out of my life more than this. I mean, of course, I want to be of great use to God and I want to be a wonderful wife for my husband (I’ll deal with this tomorrow.) Yet, to hear my children say this is something my heart desires greatly. Proverbs 30:11 says “There are those who curse their fathers and do not bless their mothers”, we have two options here. We can be a mother worthy of blessing or one who is not. The choice is ours. The Proverbs 31 woman is a woman who embodies being a great mother while at the same time is hard working, entrepreneurial, and not in any way selfish with her time and abilities. I would have to say she was a woman who felt fulfilled with her life. I doubt she ever felt like her life was missing something; yet, she is a woman defined by motherhood and a strong desire to make sure her household prospered. I’m going out on a limb here and say that as a woman with children this should be our greatest desire. We may, as women, have many things that we will love in each season of our lives, but above it all should be a desire to be a mother worthy of praise. MacArthur says, “There can be no higher joy for a mother than for her children to grow up to praise her as the source of the wisdom that made them godly.” No sacrifice is too great, no work too demeaning, no morning to early to get up that should keep us from this. In today’s society, it’s sort of taboo to admit that being a great mom is all you want out of life; as if I should be ashamed to not want more. Well, I don’t; this is the greatest desire of my life, to be a Mother worthy of praise. Can’t we have it all as women; well, of course our Excellent woman did many things but she never lost sight of her family’s well-being as her first priority. So, I guess we have to ask ourselves what do we mean by “having it all.”

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