Thursday, March 17, 2011

An Excellent Wife Who can Find?

March 17, 2011

Proverbs 31:10 An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels

Who hasn’t sat in the morning and thought of all the things left to do and gotten overwhelmed? For me, this has happened a lot lately, and sadly, many things just get left undone. So, to help me I decided to turn to the place where all questions are answered for some help, God’s word. The place that came to mind automatically was Proverbs 31; so, for 22 days I’ll be discovering what God desires for us as wives and mothers. The first verse lets us know how truly hard it is to be a godly wife and mom, but it’s not impossible. “She is far more precious than jewels,” meaning that although rare they do exist. We can be the mom and wife that we want to be or more importantly that our husbands and children deserve. However, it will call for much self sacrifice, and a great dependence on God’s strength to make this happen. However, I think that if the comfort of our families is our only motivation we have already lost. The title for this passage in the ESV is “The Woman Who Fears the Lord” and this I think must be our first and main priority. We must make the sacrifices, do the work, keep up with all the things we are responsible for merely because God has called us to this duty. To honor and be obedient to Him should be our first priority. If that is our foundation, then our houses will be strong.

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